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Visa Process

Step One
All aspiring students who want to study in Russia are required to visit our office where all required information is given to student regarding the various faculties available and also about Russia. However, the student and parents needs to undertake steps as he/she feels necessary to satisfy himself/herself regarding the decision of enrolling and studying in Russia.

Step Two
Once the student has satisfied himself / herself about all the merits and demerits of studying in Russia, the student is expected to make an application in the prescribed format with . You would appreciate that the seats in the Russian higher education system are limited and are offered strictly on a first come first served basis, subject to the final decision of the University and the marks obtained in the 12th standard incase of the MBBS students and the passing of the degree course along with the completion of the internship for the post graduate students. The student along with the application would submit all the documents as per the check list and the required processing fee as detailed.

Step Three
Once the documents are submitted to The student should apply for his/her passport (if not ready). The issuance of the passport normally takes around 45 days and any delay in applying would delay the departure of the student to Russia or he/she won't get the admission.

Step Four
All medical students are also required to apply for the eligibility certificate as required by the Medical Council of India; will assist you for applying the same.

Step Five
Once the application is accepted by the university, a letter of admission confirming the reservation of the seat would be issue by the university to The original letter is sent by the university to our office. This letter of admission is then given to the student to enable him/her to further process his/her bank loan.

Step Six
Student should submit HIV - AIDS tests report.

Step Seven
After receiving the passport and the visa invitation from the university, makes the application for the stamping of the visa and hands over the original passport along with other original documents.

Step Eight
The student is expected to complete his packing and make all necessary arrangements to travel as per the date intimated by He/she should also verify that all the necessary documentation has been completed.